Address: 4811 Winchester Blvd, Frederick, MD
Lease or Sale: Sale/Lease/BTS
Size: 11.4± acres
Price: $995,000
Stanford Industrial Park is an established business setting that offers business owners and investors conveniently located industrial lots at an attractive price. Regional stormwater management is in place for all lots.
301-787-4050 (Direct)
301-698-1080 (Office)
"FRG's incredible market knowledge was invaluable when we suddenly had to move our office overseas and needed to find a tenant to take over our office space. They were familiar with the other buildings we would be competing with, and their knowledge of recent lease deals was a big help in positioning our space for maximum exposure. They clearly know their market."
Barbara Keating, President
Computer Frontiers
8 East Second Street
Suite 101
Frederick, MD 21701